Delivery Information
We will ship your product anywhere in the world. We ship to the Continental USA. We ship to Alaska and Hawaii and even to Canada. We ship internationally every week, so we know exactly what to do with customs and freight forwarders. We even ship to APO's and FPO's. We encourage all our valued customers to call or visit their local building department to insure their project meets local city and county zoning requirements for height and picket spacing before making the final purchase.
It is the customer's responsibility to be available at time of delivery to check all quantities of packages and damaged goods. Shortages and damages must be reported immediately, in writing, at the time of delivery. We ship proper quantities in good condition. The carrier is responsible for the delivery. The customer or representative of the customer must be present to help unload the truck. Pallets can be 'broken down' for hand unloading for those who do not have fork lift capabilities. Residential deliveries would require hand unloading which is the customer’s responsibility. The delivery driver may assist, but is only required to get the load to his tailgate for unloading by you. This applies to common carrier deliveries, not UPS/FEDEX/USPS or other special service small package delivery companies. We deliver by UPS, FedEx, or US mail at our discretion, unless you request otherwise. Other carriers must ship packages that are too large for these carriers. Damage discovered after delivery must be reported directly to the delivery carrier immediately. The delivery carrier will want to inspect packages; goods and all shipping containers before a claim can be made.
Make all claims promptly. Most carriers will not consider claims after 48 hours from the date of delivery. Do not deduct losses from, while awaiting adjustment of the claim, as we cannot be responsible for safe delivery. Do not return goods to without first securing written permission from us. Do not instruct the carrier to return shipments when they arrive. will assist you in any way possible to collect loss or damage claims from the carrier. We are not responsible for filing claims, cost of replacement materials or the freight charges for shipping of replacement parts or materials.
Please Note: All orders over $500 must ship to billing address. If you need to ship to an alternate address please call your credit card company and add that address to your card. Standard shipping charges do not include deliveries to residential addresses. If the trucking company is required to come directly to a residence so that you may unload your order there, additional charges may be incurred. Road, private lane, etc. must be accessible by semi-truck/trailer. ANY FREE SHIPPING OFFERS OR SHIPPING PRICES QUOTED ON THIS WEBSITE ARE FOR THE LOWER 48 STATES ONLY!